13th International RIdIM Conference & 1st Brazilian Conference on Music Iconography

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Considering the current, setting new trends
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City transportation

Salvador has an efficient public transportation consisting of a bus network. In addition traveling through the city is also easy and reasonable cheap with taxis.



Information about bus and taxi services in Salvador

By bus... Bus fares in Salvador are inexpensive. Fares need to be payed when boarding a bus. Buses are boarded from the rear and exited from the front. Have your money for the ride ready when boarding the bus. According to the law only change for small bills are provided (up to 3 times the fare).
Buses are clean and serve stations every 10 minutes, except on holidays or Sundays. Some buses run until 11 p.m. Others run all night, although less frequentily, or stop service at 1 a.m.  For the main tourist destinations, accessing a bus is relatively easy, although Salvador's layout can make it a little disorienting for first time visitors.
The small executive buses are air conditioned but a ride costs approximately twice the price of a regular bus. Sometimes the extra money is worth it. These mini-buses are entered at the front, and the ticket is payed at the end of the trip, or when the porter passes to collect the fares.

By taxi...Two kinds of taxis are available in Salvador, the executive taxis (Coometas and Comtas), and the regular taxis.
Executive taxis are pre-paid, prices are calculated on a fixed table of prices. These taxis do not have taximeters. The regular taxi run on a taximeter. Make sure that the meter is on when you start your trip.
In Salvador taxis are not really expensive but you should find one you trust. They could easily make long detours which will make your trip very expensive. That is why we recommend to pay attention to the following details:
      1 – Every taxi ride in Salvador starts off with a basic rate of R$ 3.45. Make sure your taxi driver turns the meter on.
      2 – Chose a taxi that is registered with a company (Disque-taxi, Tele-taxi) and that displays a phone number on the rear window.
      3 – There are 2 different kind of rates. Rate no. 1 is cheaper and applied when there are less than 3 people in the taxi (not counting the driver) and valid from Monday to Friday from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. (and on Saturdays from 6 a.m to 2 p.m.). Rate no. 2 is more expensive and applied on times outside rate no. 1 and on holidays. Taxi drivers are allowed to charge rate no. 2 in case the customer asks for air conditioning, carries heavy luggage or if the final destination is outside the boundaries of the city of Salvador (therefore trips to the airport are always charged on the rate no. 2)

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Design & development ©2009-2011 by Pablo Sotuyo Blanco e Ricardo Bordini (SONARE)

July 20-22, 2011 - Salvador (Bahia), Brazil