13th International RIdIM Conference & 1st Brazilian Conference on Music Iconography

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Program | Call for Papers | Exhibitors | Registration
Venue | Maps
Program Committee | Scientific Reviewers | Keynote Lectures | General List
Evening Program | Excursions | Post-Conference Tours
Organizing Committee | Committee of Honor | Sponsors | Contact
Travel Info | Tourist Info | City Maps | City Transport | Hotels | Hints and Tips | History
Evaluation System (OCS)

Enhancing Music Iconography research:
Considering the current, setting new trends
small logo

animation with MI and photos of Salvador

Evening program proposals

The Organizing Committee is working hard on it. Please wait for updates.



List of proposals

July 20 - Evening activity 20 H. - Conference Opening Ceremony
Included in the conference fee and followed by a reception.
Further details will come soon. Please wait for updates.

July 21 - Evening activity20 H. - Music concert
Further details will come soon. Please wait for updates.


July 22 - Evening activity20 H. - Farewell Dinner
Further details will come soon. Please wait for updates.


Other evening activities Further details will come soon. Please wait for updates.

Design & development ©2009-2011 by Pablo Sotuyo Blanco e Ricardo Bordini (SONARE)

July 20-22, 2011 - Salvador (Bahia), Brazil