13th International RIdIM Conference & 1st Brazilian Conference on Music Iconography

English | Português | Español
Program | Call for Papers | Exhibitors | Registration
Venue | Maps
Program Committee | Scientific Reviewers | Keynote Lectures | General List
Evening Program | Excursions | Post-Conference Tours
Organizing Committee | Committee of Honor | Sponsors | Contact
Travel Info | Tourist Info | City Maps | City Transport | Hotels | Hints and Tips | History
Evaluation System (OCS)

Enhancing Music Iconography research:
Considering the current, setting new trends
small logo

animation with MI and photos of Salvador

Sponsors and supportive institutions

In addition to the associations and institutions that sponsor RIdIM International (i.e. IAML, IMS and CIMCIM), the Organizing Committee would like to express its gratefulness to the local institutions that subsidize and support the successful realization of this joint conference in different ways.


Supportive and Sponsoring Institutions

CAPES Music Graduate Program - Federal University of Bahia
CNPq Visual Arts Graduate Program - Federal University of Bahia
  Politechnical School - Federal University of Bahia
Museum State Directory - DIARQ - Pedro Calmon Foundation Museu de Arte Sacra - Federal University of Bahia
Museu de Arte da Bahia (MAB) - Pedro Calmon Foundation FAPEX - Federal University of Bahia
Museu de Arte Moderna (MAM) - Pedro Calmon Foundation  
Public Libraries State Directory - DIBIP - Pedro Calmon Foundation Casa do Benin Museum
Bahia State Public Library Directory - BPEB - Pedro Calmon Foundation Museu da Cidade
Arquives Directory - DIARQ - Pedro Calmon Foundation Solar do Unhão
Public Archive of Bahia Directory - Pedro Calmon Foundation Solar do Ferrão Museum
FAPESB - Bahia State Research Funding Agency CityHall Secretary of Tourism Promotion - EMTURSA
  SONARE - Music Production, Documentation and Studies Center
Design & development ©2009-2011 by Pablo Sotuyo Blanco e Ricardo Bordini (SONARE)

July 20-22, 2011 - Salvador (Bahia), Brazil